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Manoj Kurian Kallupurackal


Since his studies in communication design Manoj has been working for several multi-national agencies and clients in Germany, India, Malaysia, Egypt and Switzerland.

In 2008 he and his long-time business partner Sagar Ghoting started their own design office Kurian Ghoting in Cairo focussing on projects with sustainable value and social impact.

Today he is based back in his hometown Köln, considering himself as an independent designer and cultural activist.

Besides his commercial work he is managing Masala Movement e.V., which was founded by him in 2003 following his passion for intercultural art.


Köln, Deutschland

28.06.2019 -
Freitag, 18:00
INDERNET Ausstellung In Form einer mehrtägigen Ausstellung präsentieren wir künstlerische Werke und Designs von indischen bzw. Indien inspirierten Kreativen ...
Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln, Deutschland
28.06.2019 - 04.07.2019
Freitag, 18:00
INDERNET Ausstellung In Form einer mehrtägigen Ausstellung präsentieren wir künstlerische Werke und Designs von indischen bzw. Indien inspirierten Kreativen ...
Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln, Deutschland
INDERNET Contemporary Indian inspired culture
New Generations Independent Indian Film Festival
Brown Angels Indische Krankenschwestern in Deutschland
INDERNET Contemporary Indian inspired culture
New Generations Independent Indian Film Festival
Brown Angels Indische Krankenschwestern in Deutschland